Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Double-Life

It's been a busy 6 months and I've had little time to spend on the blog.

Grad Student by Day:

I spent the Spring semester as a TA for Mineralogy, which is a very time consuming assignment... especially since I had to basically re-learn the whole subject after a 5 or 6 year break. My Masters Thesis is due by the end of Summer, and my defense is scheduled for a few weeks from now. I'm looking forward to being done and getting these results published so I can move on to something new. Studying earthquakes in Arizona has been fun, but I'm looking forward to seeing what new projects will come my way as I start towards a Ph.D. in the Fall.

Musician by Night:

For the last part of the Spring semester I was spending many of my nights and weekends getting ready to play bass for a Jr. High camp that we just finished. Jr. High kids have so much energy... way more than a dozen drunk guys at a dive bar. Learning 27 songs does not happen overnight, but all the hard work definitely paid off. The camp was the most fun I've ever had playing music, and it re-kindled that long-neglected desire to do nothing but play bass.

Maybe I should have named the post "Triple-Life". My first child will be here in about 5 months. We find out if it is a boy or girl this week. I can't imagine that I will end up with more time to post on this blog when my Thesis is done because we will be in preparation for the New Family Unit. Still, I won't let this blog fizzle out. There are so many things I've been wanting to discuss that have had to sit on the back burner. I'll move them to the front sometime soon.